Here are the procedures for submitting data deletion and pull requests to ironSource Ads and LevelPlay. Any requests that don’t follow these procedures will not be processed. 

Data deletion and pull requests procedure for publishers:

  1. Send an email request to with an attached file in a .csv format. The file should contain a list of IDFA/GAID and appKeys in the format provided in the ‘Publishers’ sheet of this template. Make sure to use only alphanumeric characters in the attached file.

  2. Make sure to mention in the subject line if the request is for data to be deleted or pulled 

Data deletion and pull requests procedure for advertisers:

  1. Send an email request to with a file in a .csv format attached. The file should contain a list of IDFA/GAID and Advertiser IDs in the format provided in the ‘Advertisers’ sheet of this template. Make sure to use only alphanumeric characters in the attached file.

  2. To obtain your Advertiser ID, follow these instructions

  3. Make sure to mention in the subject line if the request is for data to be deleted or pulled 

ironSource Ads will process your request within 30 days, or a shorter period if required by law. Once the request is completed, or if there are any issues, you will receive an update via the email address you used to submit the request. For this reason, you should not use a no-reply email to submit your request

If you are an individual who uses an app that employs ironSource Mobile Ltd.’s advertising services and would like to access or delete your personal data, please refer to our privacy policy for instructions.